Friday, July 16, 2010

I'd Like To Take a Trip


To recover. To rejuvenate. To contemplate. To heal. I just want to sit on the beach and feel the sun and sand and surf and sea breeze. I want to forget about cancer. And divorce, which still looms on the horizon.

So here's my update: I had surgery on July 13th. A lumpectomy. The good news is that my lymph nodes are clear. The best news is that I had wonderful people to take care of me. I am grateful for all the love and support from my sisters, my niece, my daughters, my Dad, my brother-in-law, friends, and neighbors. You all are the best! I even felt the love and support from family and friends far away but with me in spirit.

The bad news is the hideous wound I'm left with. That's tough to handle. But I guess getting rid of cancer is an ugly battle. Not something that can be fixed with a band-aid or little pink ribbons. If only.

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